The shark is a great visual metaphor that has the potential to become one of your repeating images. As @KennethGladden says below, democracy faces many threats in the U.S. and elsewhere (I'd add "voter suppression" to his excellent list). So, as I see it, the "shark" of white supremacy is one of a school of sharks circling democracy around the world.
In Europe and beyond, the "sharks" include: erosion of the free press (Hungary, Myanmar, Hong Kong).; the elimination of term limits to make an elected president a de facto dictator for life (Russia, etc.); and the suspension of free elections on the pretext of public safety during the pandemic (many countries). Not to mention the threats to national borders faced by Ukraine and Taiwan.
The question, as you say, is: How do you represent all of this visually in parts of the world that don't have an obvious symbol of freedom like Lady Liberty? It must be such a challenge for cartoonists.