Thanks for taking it in the right spirit. I could be misreading you, but I had the feeling from your post that in others, you were suppressing things--e.g., frustration with the reigning wokery--that might make a big difference if you said them.
The way a lot of writing teachers put it (forgive me if you've had them) is: Say what nobody else can say, or say as well. I like to praise the positive things, too. But if I can say something positive that others are also saying--or say something negative that nobody else is saying--I'll go with the latter. It's a variation on Hemingway's idea that a writer's road to salvation is perfection of style. I'm a long way from "saved" in that sense. But in my 4+ months on Medium it's helped me avoid the $10-on-every-post trap (though I haven't made more than about $200 for any of them).