It's a big problem on Medium that, as far as I can tell, the platform has never acknowledged. its one of the reasons why I've started writing on Substack.
And the issues go beyond those you mentioned. Your story needs to go up within 24 hours if it relates to current events such as a natural disaster, the war in Ukraine, or the U.S. presidential election. It will go stale--and you will lose views--if it doesn't.
It's common sense: People are less likely to read your story if they've read 10 others on the topic, as can easily happen here. Medium could take a big step toward solving this problem by requiring pubs in the Boost program to post their response time, so you could judge whether you want to submit, given its realities. That it hasn't done so is part of the reason why I'm posting more in my own Lit Life publication or on Substack..