Hi, again -- Here's how you get added as a writer on @TheShortform, or the official guidelines from the editor: "Just send [editor @TomFenske] an email to theshortform.publication@gmail.com with your Medium handle and I’ll add you as a writer. Although it is not mandatory, I’d greatly appreciate it if you add a link to a drafted shortform of yours so I can get an idea of your style." I did NOT send a draft and still got added quickly. If you don't want to send a draft, you might just give Tom an idea of what you could do in 150 words.
The kinds of things that might interest people are answers to questions you've no doubt answered many, many times. For example, what inspired a drawing? How do you work outdoors in NYC? (Do you set up a folding chair and sit and draw? Or try to work unobtrusively on, say, a bench? What media do you work in? Do you always use, say, pen-and-ink and watercolor or do you do computer-assisted drawing? What are the challenges of working on a street as opposed to in a studio?)
In other words, you could just explain how you did a drawing. Or you could answer the kinds of Qs people always ask you. I'm a literary critic so I did a post called "The Strangest Question People Ask Book Reviewers" ("Do you skim books?" Answer: Never!) You could borrow that idea and do something like: "The Most Common Question People Ask Artists." I'd bet you have a million other ideas and ave fun, too.